Hair Transplant

The results of clinical trials have shown that nearly 85%-95% of transplanted grafts can grow in the area transplanted. According to this high success rate, FUE hair transplantation is often very successful.

By 8 to 10 months the hair follicles reach maturity, and by a year or so after your surgery the results show (although it may be closer to 18 months for some).

Friction, poor diet and direct sunlight can lengthen your recovery time or may  affect  how your new hair comes in.

Here’s how you can protect your scalp post transplant:

Avoid direct sunlight.

For a few nights post procedure, best to sleep on your back with head elevation.

Avoid tight head wear.

Eat your Vitamins.

Keep the newly grafted area moist.

Gentle washing of the scalp.

Keep any swelling and irritation minimum.

Avoid vigorous exercise after hair transplant surgery.

Do not dye your hair after the procedure.

Yes the main advantage of Hair transplant is that the results are permanent.

Hair transplant / restoration is not  a painful procedure, usually a local anesthetic is used to numb the scalp.

While no surgery is completely  painless, a brief temporary level of discomfort may be there.

Each extraction leaves a tiny round scar, up to 1 millimeter in diameter. Based on how many hair follicles are extracted, this can add up to many hundreds or even thousands of puncture mark scars. These scars may look like tiny white dots after healing.

Some scars fade away with time and others get covered by hair as in hair transplant.

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It’s normal for the transplanted hair to fall out two to three weeks after the procedure. This makes way for new hair growth. Most people will see some amount of new hair growth 8 to 12 months after surgery.

When you have hair grafted from the back and sides of your scalp to your balding areas, called an autograft, the hair will grow for the rest of your life.

  • Right food after hair transplant can prevent shock hair loss.
  • Include lots of oral fluids to boost hydration
  • B-complex vitamins helps hair growth and wound healing process.
  • Zinc mineral prevents hair loss after hair transplant
  • Iron rich food boosts oxygen flow and booster immune system
  • Vitamin E speed-up the recovery time and improve tissues and damaged grafts
  • Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and prevents hair loss and hair graying.
  • Vitamin A prevents dry and itchy scalp.
  • Avoid junk food
  • Avoid alcohol for 2 weeks post transplant.
  • Avoid smoking for 2 weeks post transplant.
  • Reduce cigarette smoking as much as possible as it constricts the blood vessels which in turn deprives the newly transplanted hair follicles of oxygen and nutrients.

After shaving the back of the head and administration of anesthesia,  individual hairs are extracted one by one (grafts).

Hair grafts are inserted into small slits in the desired areas on the scalp under anesthesia. Ensuring the patient is comfortable with, pre and post procedure.

There will be a lot of tiny scars, but they won’t be noticeable.

Hair transplants typically take one day, but 2 treatments can be spaced on consecutive days  if it is planned for a large area to be treated.  Your surgeon will instruct you on how to care for your transplant. To help recovery and hair restoration, you should be provided with a spray to apply.

The best candidates for Hair transplant surgery are:

  • Men who have been losing hair due to male pattern baldness for more than 5 years or who have progressed to class 3 or above on the Norwood scale.
  • Realistic expectations
  • Health and lifestyle
  • Men who have been balding but whose pattern has stabilized.
  • Men and women who have lost their hair due to trauma or burns.
  • Men and women who have lost their hair due to other cosmetic procedures.

The basic principle of hair transplantation is that of donor dominance – the occipital area (back of the head) consists of androgen- resistant hairs and are therefore permanent – and they retain this property when transplanted to other areas.

 Hence, these hairs are  retained even after being transplanted and do not fall out.